Too important to lose: we need to rave about the IRA in October

Congratulations to changemaker Kara, whose op-ed spotlighting historic, on-the-ground U.S. climate progress was published by the Virginia Dogwood last month -- on the 2nd anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act!  

This message  is both timely and highly productive. Why? Voters are moved to protect things they already have, and most Americans (including "climate people") don't know what they have in the Inflation Reduction Act. They also don’t know how Project 2025 will roll it back. 

Kara’s message and tone is spot-on:

"A repeal of the IRA and the elimination of federal support for the clean energy transition would jeopardize Virginia’s ability to meet its own climate goals. Virginians would lose out on thousands of jobs and the myriad environmental and public health benefits that the law is expected to generate by 2030." 

That op-ed excerpt uses "loss aversion," a framing that data has shown to mobilize environmental voters. The IRA is rolling out benefits to Americans in every state – tax credits, direct rebates, improved utilities and infrastructure, new jobs and industries etc – and people need to know about this if they’re going to be informed voters. Voters who care about climate change, affordability, and job creation (everyone?!) are likely to be especially interested. Fun fact: only about half of pro-climate voters say they are familiar with the Inflation Reduction Act, but after reading a short description of it, nearly all pro-climate voters say they support it. Moreover, the Inflation Reduction Act has majority support even from voters who do not prioritize climate action (YPCCC).

To protect and continue climate progress, we must boost the IRA’s recognition and favorability.

  • Share real stories of what’s happening in your own region on social media

  • Ask your in-laws if they heard the news

  • Email your local news station about coverage

  • Rave about it at happy hour. 

  • And If Kara  inspired you to write your own op-ed or letter to the editor? There's a playbook for that too.

The IRA is catalyzing tremendous on-the-ground climate progress with good things happening everywhere in America. Let’s talk about it.


Climate voters’ moment of truth...