Climate Candidate Briefing:

Frank Mrvan (IN-1)

Type: Incumbent
Party: Democratic

Frank Mrvan’s race is currently rated a toss-up. He’s a sitting member of Congress with a stellar environmental voting record (100% on the LCV scorecard).

Indiana’s 1st Congressional District

Îmage from FiveThirtyEight

Indiana’s 1st congressional district is in the northwest corner of the state and includes the city of Gary. The district has a D+7 partisan lean, which was not affected by redistricting.

Climate impacts: read the Indiana climate summary

Climate attitudes (note: this data was collected before the district was redrawn): Yale Climate Opinion Survey

Frank’s Climate Position

From Frank’s campaign website:

As Congressman, Frank has fought to ensure that our nation makes the investments that are necessary to protect our precious environment. It is past time that the federal government recognizes the value of science and the challenges of pollution and climate change. Workers of Northwest Indiana must have safe working conditions and produce the innovation and alternative energies that are necessary to meet this challenge.

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