Maximize Your Impact

Your affiliated organizations and institutions—whether your workplace, school, church, volunteer group, etc.—can themselves act as “key stakeholders.” Your organizations are far more influential as a collective unit than as a group of concerned individuals. When your organization joins forces with others like it, you’ve formed a coalition. Now, policymakers are really listening.

For example, consider a trade association. If 300 independent farmers in Alabama happen to contact their members of Congress, they might have a marginal effect on how those members vote. But if the Alabama Farm Bureau, which includes those 300 farmers (and more), meets with the same members of Congress, they increase their chances of impacting legislation by an order of magnitude.

Turn your workplace, university, or community group into a pro-climate lobbying powerhouse. It starts bottom-up: begin by organizing your peers. Bring them to an Hour of Action and share our resources with them.

Then reach out to us at to talk next steps.