Quick Action Playbooks

Powerful 15-minute actions to advocate for climate solutions

We’re all busy. Carving out the time for climate action is no small ask.

Climate Changemakers’ commitment is that your time is spent productively. All of our resources focus on lucrative policy priorities, and all tactics follow evidence-based best practices.

If you want to maximize your next 15 minutes, pick a Quick Action Playbook!

For the most timely and strategic way to maximize your time, check out the current Action Plan. Our entire advocacy network is currently focused on it, so your actions have a collective impact. These playbooks go deeper than Quick Actions but can still be accomplished in under an hour.

Climate Changemakers collaborates with the brilliant team at Climate Town to pair their deep-dive (very funny) YouTube videos with these Quick Action Playbooks.

Get fired up then do something about it.

Watch + take action:

© 2024 Climate Changemakers