(202) 224-3121

Call the congressional switchboard and ask to be connected to your senator or representative.

Don’t know who represents you? Ask the switchboard operator or enter your address here.

Select a script below:

    1. First, you’ll speak to the switchboard operator. Usually, it’s a human; sometimes it’s a robot.

    2. They’ll connect you to your member of Congress. A staffer will answer, or it will go to voicemail so you can leave a message. 

    3. Convey your message, reading from the script and personalizing wherever you can so your message stands out. Be polite, authentic, and to the point. 

    4. Hang up, then call your other members of Congress. 

    5. Repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever you have 5 minutes to spare.

  • Yes. All calls and voicemails get logged by dedicated staffers. Our calls are a proxy for constituent opinion about specific political questions, as well as our general priorities for them as policymakers.  

    As few as 10 phone calls can get a member of Congress to pay attention, yet, they often receive zero climate outreach in any given week. 

    Making a personalized phone call is the easiest way to influence our elected leaders, and it takes just a few minutes.

  • At the bottom of each script is a button to learn more.

  • Whatever first comes to mind is probably exactly what you should say! Keep it authentic and succinct.

    To better articulate your personal motivations for calling, here’s a free ‘Climate Why’ resource.

Did you call?

Way to go! Help us track your impact:

Now, email your rep.
Wraparound advocacy is most effective!

Level up:
Meet with your member of Congress and their staff!

Want more action?
Go to the current Action Plan