Contact Your Member of Congress

We need bold public policy that matches the scale and urgency of climate change, and Congress is a huge piece of that puzzle.

Phone calls are considered the most effective form of constituent outreach besides face-to-face meetings. According to the Congressional Management Foundation, emails are important and effective, too. A majority of congressional staff members said that fewer than 10 emails from constituents would be enough to get a member of Congress to pay attention to a particular issue.

  • Estimated time: 30 minutes

    This playbook can be completed in one sitting, but you can start and come back anytime. Our community also takes action together during drop-in Zoom meetups called Hours of Action. Join one here!

  • In this action playbook, you’ll

    1. Write an email

    2. Make a phone call

    3. Tag them on social media

    4. Report back

    5. Ask a friend to do it too