The magic of getting the word out.

If you want to see bold climate policies passed, don't overlook the strategic power of writing letters to the editor.

Letters to the editor (LTEs) are concise, targeted messages that are usually published in newspapers, magazines, or online publications. They can help shape public opinion and generate support for particular policies.

The amazing thing about letters to the editor is that they can broaden your audience size by an order of magnitude compared to your social media and other personal networks. By raising awareness among a larger cross-section of the public, LTEs and other types of opinion pieces can help mobilize public support and build momentum for policy change.

Another key advantage of letters to the editor is that they are often read by policymakers themselves. Many government officials regularly read newspapers and online publications to stay informed about public opinion in their state or district. Elected officials often monitor their media mentions, which triggers a notification when they’re mentioned by name in a publication. By writing a letter to the editor, advocates can therefore speak directly to these policymakers and influence their decision-making.

The great thing about letters to the editor is that they’re relatively easy to write and can be produced quickly (say, during an Hour of Action). Unlike lengthy research reports or policy briefs, letters to the editor are short and to the point. And because they’re usually in response to current events, news stories, or policy proposals, advocates aren’t typically starting from scratch in their content generation. The fact that LTEs are usually reactive to outside forces also gives us the chance to add our voice to an existing public discourse.

Finally, letters to the editor can help to build relationships with journalists and other media professionals. By regularly submitting letters to the same publications, we as advocates can establish ourselves as experts on a particular issue and build credibility. This can in turn help generate more coverage of the issue and raise its profile in the media.

✏️ Feeling ready to turn your climate policy opinions into a snappy 200-word LTE? Try your hand using our playbook, or do it alongside fellow changemakers at an Hour of Action!


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