Key Climate Elections (U.S. House)

Key toss-up races where our electoral advocacy efforts can have major impact (zoom in & view on a desktop computer)!

Climate Changemakers 2022 Midterms Map
Key Climate Race
Solidifying Race
Race to Watch
Sources: Redistricting Data Hub;
US Census Bureau

If we are to pass equitable, urgent, science-based climate policies, we must elect pro-climate majorities into the U.S. House and Senate, as well as pro-climate leaders at every level of government. Take action here.

The map above shows U.S. House toss-up races where either candidate has a chance of winning, but only one is the unambiguous climate candidate. It's where electoral advocacy efforts can have major impact! To learn about the candidates, click around the map or view all the climate candidates here.

For answers to some commonly asked questions about organizing for U.S. elections, read our Electoral Advocacy FAQ.