Contact Your Governor

Your governor is your state’s most powerful executive official and plays an outsized role in directing your state’s climate agenda.

Think of your governor like the “president” of your state—they lead your state’s executive branch and direct all of its executive agencies. Like presidents, governors can’t initiate legislation, but they have wide-ranging regulatory authority and are powerful influencers on legislators, mayors, and federal elected officials. While governors aren’t as “accessible” as legislators or city council members, they still need to hear directly from their constituents to inform which issues and programs to prioritize.

  • Estimated time: 30-45 minutes. This action is customizable.

    This playbook can be completed in one sitting, but you can start and come back anytime. Our community also takes action together during drop-in Zoom meetups called Hours of Action. Join one here!

    1. Find your governor’s contact information

    2. Write a personalized email 

    3. Make a call/leave a voicemail

    4. Tag them on social media

    5. Multiply your impact

    6. Follow up and report back