Contact Your Utility Company

Utility companies are powerful stakeholders in the clean energy transition. Public accountability can help point them in the right direction.

Utility companies are the providers of our “natural” gas and electricity. In managing our energy infrastructure, they hold the keys to the clean energy transition. But most are decades behind, and wield their considerable power to obstruct, rather than champion, the adoption of renewables or climate-aligned policies.

Utility companies are sensitive to public opinion and customer feedback because they need a social license to operate. We can leverage this influence to show utility companies that the public is paying attention and holding them accountable for abiding by current (and future) climate policies.

  • Estimated time: 30-45 minutes. This action is customizable.

    This playbook can be completed in one sitting, but you can start and come back anytime. Our community also takes action together during drop-in Zoom meetups called Hours of Action. Join one here!

  • Use this playbook to:

    1. Find the contact information for your utility company

    2. Send a personalized email

    3. Make a call/leave a voicemail

    4. Tag them on social media

    5. Multiply your impact

    6. Report back