Amplify a Policy Priority

Let’s take action.

  • Raise awareness of a policy issue you care about.

    1. Learn about a climate policy

    2. Choose your audience + medium

    3. Create and share your personalized content

    4. Ask a friend to do it too

Step 1. Learn about a climate solution

Before you can raise awareness about something you care about, it’s important to learn about it first. Open the Issue Briefing linked in our current campaign or choose a policy issue that speaks to you from the full Issue Briefings library. Spend a few minutes digesting the content (we promise not to cause information overload!). Understanding a climate policy issue is the first step to being a more confident advocate and effective communicator, and it enables you to connect the issue to other things your audience cares about.

Step 2. Pick your audience and the best platform to reach them

Consider who you’re trying to reach and the best medium for reaching them. Think about the people with whom you discuss the news, current events, or climate change. Where do you have the most influence? Who will be the most receptive? Here are some ideas:

  • Professionals and colleagues on LinkedIn

  • Friends and family on Facebook

  • Your personal and/or professional network on Instagram, Twitter or Threads

  • A topic-specific audience on Discord, Reddit, or in a relevant Slack community

  • Personal contacts via text and email

Looking for a conversation starter before you choose your audience? Every Issue Briefing has a section of “Quick Frames” which can be a helpful way to start thinking about how to frame the policy to specific people. You can also pull articles and resources directly from the Issue Briefing. Or try sharing some of our Climate Changemakers policy content from the blog or from one of our social media channels like Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Step 3. Create and share your personalized content

Create written or visual content that’s both personal and factual. Borrow heavily from the Issue Briefing for the facts, but the most important thing is to communicate why you care, and by extension, why your audience might care. (If you’re having trouble articulating this, try our Write Your Climate “Why” exercise). Even an infographic can benefit from this personal element.

  • Write a post on a social media platform like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter/Threads

  • Write a post on Discord, Reddit, or in a relevant Slack community

  • Record a video for TikTok or Instagram

  • Create a visual graphic you can share on Instagram or another platform

End your post with a concrete call to action that links to the current campaign, an Action Playbook, or our Hour of Action events feed. If you create your own content, please tag @theclimatevote on Instagram and Twitter or Climate Changemakers on LinkedIn, and consider posting it in our Slack #social-media-boost channel so others can amplify.

  • After you've shared your personalized content with your network, expand your amplification into other online circles!

    Reformat your post as a comment and get ready to share it as a comment on other posts and/or relevant discussion threads. The edge of the internet is the limit!

    To find relevant comment threads, browse climate-related content on LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, X, YouTube, Reddit etc. and paste your comment and link.

    By doing this, you're connecting the dots and providing valuable insight and resources for an audience that’s already interested in the topic.

    For more info, Climate Changemakers has a whole Action Playbook on link-dropping!

Step 4: Try to 10x your impact

Now that you’ve taken this action, send a note to a friend asking them to engage with and share your post on their own channels (or pass along with this playbook to invite them to make a post of their own!).

Network effects are powerful. Connecting others with opportunities to take productive climate action is a crucial step toward changing cultural norms and making real progress. We're not the only ones asking, “What more can I do?”. Answering that question for others is an important climate action.

And that’s it, playbook complete! Feel accomplished.
Thank you for taking action.


© 2023 Climate Changemakers