Mobilize Voters You Know

Peer-to-peer communication is the most effective way to mobilize voters!

  • Boost voter turnout through 1:1 outreach to voters you personally know.

    1. List voters you know

    2. Draft a personal message

    3. Reach out 1:1

    4. Get on with your day

Step 1: Make a list.

Open a blank doc. Your mission here is to identify everyone you could plausibly reach out to 1:1 about voting this November. You can use text, email, LinkedIn, IG, Facebook, etc., so cast a wide net. 

Make your list. Get creative!

  • Who’s “too busy” to vote? Work, travel, kids… Gotta get it on the G-Cal now!

  • Who moved recently? Take the guesswork out of finding their new polling place!

  • Who turned 18 recently? Support from an ~experienced voter~ can go a long way!

  • Who thinks their vote doesn’t matter? They need a nudge about their civic duty!

  • Who might do some final-stretch volunteering? Invite them to join you!

Search tips to make your life easier:

  • Search your LinkedIn contacts by location. Here’s a how-to.

  • Search your Facebook friends by location. Here’s a how-to

  • Scroll through your phone contacts.

  • Scroll through your Instagram and Twitter/X followers.

Aim for a list of at least 10 people. Can you get to 20? 30? This list is for your eyes only.

Step 2. Draft a personal message

Go for short, kind, informative, and personal. The most effective messages include 2 elements:

  1. A clear ask: “Do you have a plan to vote?” Including a direct ask might feel blunt, but it’s best practice and invites a clear yes/no response from your friend. 

  2. Resources: Share this link: (It goes to the most comprehensive resources and tracks our collective impact!)

Here are *real 1:1 messages* sent by fellow changemakers:

  • Hi!! It’s been a while - hope you’re well!! I’ve been volunteering a lot this election, and am trying to make sure everyone I know has a voting plan this year because… duh. has great resources. Do you have a voting plan yet?

  • Helloooo old friend! Hope you’re well. I’ve been volunteering a lot this election and am trying to make sure all of us [university] alums have a solid voting plan. Here’s my fav website for all things elections — find your polling place, check your registration, etc.

    Do you have a plan yet? Would be amazing if you could send this to everyone you still talk to as well (or people you haven’t talked to 3 years either lol).

  • Hiya! Thinking about getting everyone out of the office on Nov 5 to vote in person at the community center, then grab lunch? Or do you have another plan to vote yet? Here’s a link with info if you need it:

** You know your network best! Send the election-related message you think will resonate most. A simple “Hey, how are you feeling about this election?” invites meaningful conversation and connection. Always a safe move!

Draft your message(s) then move onto Step 3!

Step 3. Reach out with a 1:1 message

Yes, really, a 1:1 message. Don’t leave room for diffusion of responsibility in a group chat or public post. 

Pep talk: It can feel a little nerve-wracking to put yourself out there with people you haven’t talked to in a while – and even with friends, let’s be honest! But people are often looking for solutions and encouragement (remember 26% of your network is waiting!). By reaching out, you’re providing the social norm that civic engagement is respected, celebrated, and expected among your shared network. Your 1:1 nudge could truly be the difference between them voting and not voting. You’re powerful! Feel that energy and start slinging out these messages.

Copy-paste the messages you drafted into a text, email, or DM and ✨HIT SEND.✨ Do this for everyone you listed in your document, adjusting the message as needed.

As people respond, offer enthusiasm! Depending on the friend and/or how they respond, you can also encourage them to help their network make a voting plan (feel free to share this playbook!).

And if anyone has questions – about the importance of voting or how they can mobilize voters too – feel free to point them to the blog or Action Hub:

And that’s it, playbook complete!
Thank you for taking action. Feel accomplished!

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