Climate Changemakers Policy Priorities

We advocate for federal, state, and local policies in the U.S. that meet the following criteria:

  • Science-backed, with significant decarbonization potential

  • Equitable outcomes

  • Timely and politically feasible 

  • Real impact potential and ability to engage constituents for a sustained period

  • Our clean electricity program supports policies that will help fully decarbonize the U.S. power sector by 2035. At 25%, the power sector is the second-largest source of U.S. emissions. Our clean electricity policy slate includes both legislation and regulatory policy and stimulates both supply and demand of zero-emissions electricity. It also includes promoting rapid and equitable implementation of existing laws. Examples of our clean electricity campaigns include Transmission Reform, Power Plant Carbon Standards, and Solar for All.

  • The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Our clean transportation program supports policies that will help reach 100% zero-emissions transportation, including EVs and mass transit, by 2050. The transportation policy slate advocates for new legislation and regulations in addition to promoting the rapid and equitable implementation of existing laws. Examples of our clean electricity campaigns include Municipal EV Fleets and Electric School Buses.

  • The built environment is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, a consequence of in-building fossil fuel use and embodied carbon in construction materials. Our building decarbonization policy slate includes both legislation and regulatory policy, as well as promoting rapid and equitable implementation of existing laws. Examples of our building decarbonization campaigns include Home Energy Rebates, State-Level Building Electrification, and Home Electrification Incentives.

  • Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, and food waste is a major contributor to methane pollution. Our sustainable food systems program has a dual focus on agriculture and food waste reduction and addresses both supply and demand within the U.S. food system. Examples of our sustainable food systems campaigns include our Reducing Food Waste and Sustainable Farming.

  • Our justice and accountability program supports policies that address environmental injustice in the U.S and prompt our elected officials to lead on equitable climate priorities with increased commitment and ambition. Our justice priorities span from environmental racism (the Environmental Justice for All Act) to democracy reform, as voting rights are foundational to environmental rights. We also engage in ongoing Climate Ambition accountability campaign work.