Write to Voters

Not sure which to choose? Here’s a quick breakdown of the costs, time, and experience of each.

  • Writing to voters is an effective way to increase their likelihood of voting in an election. It’s a flexible action you can do from almost anywhere and it's highly efficient with respect to its impact-to-cost ratio.

  • Estimated time: however long you want to spend. Estimate that it takes 1-3 minutes per handwritten note. Write for a few minutes each day or block an hour or two each week. We recommend dropping into Hours of Action to do this alongside fellow changemakers!

  • For letter writing: Click the orange button to create an account with Vote Forward and request approval (this can take 4-48 hours). Once approved, print your letter templates at home! Write your notes, stuff them in envelopes with stamps (you provide), and drop them in the mail on time.

    For postcarding: Click the orange button to fill out a quick Climate Changemakers form then instantly receive an email with voter address information. Your provide your own postcards and stamps; we provide the guidance and voter addresses in partnership with Activate America!

Boost turnout for climate candidates by mailing handwritten letters and postcards.