Meet with Your Member of Congress

Constituent meetings grant you the undivided attention of a congressional staffer, making them the most impactful way to level up your advocacy.

One of the best parts of living in a democracy is the public accessibility of elected officials. While you probably won’t get a face-to-face meeting with the president of the United States, constituent meetings or calls with members of Congress and their staff are quite common and are the most impactful way to level up your advocacy. Our elected representatives work for us, so we can and should hold them accountable.

This action is a two-parter. If you’ve already scheduled your meeting and just need to prepare, skip to Part 2 linked at the bottom of the playbook.

  • Estimated time: 60-75 minutes to complete both parts.

    You can start and come back anytime. Our community also takes action together during drop-in Zoom meetups called Hours of Action. Join one here!

  • Use this playbook to:

    1. Complete the training

    2. Choose who to meet with

    3. Submit a scheduling request

    4. Recruit others to join you

    5. Prepare for the meeting