Your home base to do more than vote: help elect climate champions up and down the ballot.

First up! Plug into Slack. You’ll find climate-concerned folks from across the U.S., all ready to take meaningful action for the 2024 election and beyond. Slack is made for connecting and organizing, so make yourself at home.

Full roadmap of the most productive ways to plug-in this fall

Prefer to take action on your own time? Nice! 👇 Choose any step-by-step Action Playbook below to get started. Accomplish them in order or, if you know where you want to start, go for it! We can and should be taking action to get out the vote as often as possible now through November.

Deep breath… let’s go! 🗺️ Just one step at a time.

Learn our 2024 election strategy: How Climate Wins Briefing

Join the September Surge! RSVP





Another way to work together as a climate movement?
Donate early to climate candidates in key districts and grassroots organizations.

By donating through GiveGreen you join a community of climate donors pooling funds to help elect climate leaders who will then pass ambitious climate policies.

Action events from across the climate movement 🤗

Any event on this calendar will be a good use of your time.

The Climate Vote event calendar aggregates opportunities across the climate movement to take action: get out the vote and help elect climate champions.

Not sure what to choose? It’s a lot! Rest assured, any choice is a great choice. Here are our tips:

  • See an event for your state or a beloved swing state? Jump in!

  • New to this? Hours of Action are no-prep-needed events.

Add your event here | Become a host


  • 🔊 Amplify historic U.S. climate progress

  • 🇺🇸 Polling places need volunteers! Sign up to be a poll worker (or amplify this need)

  • 🤝 Have an effective climate convo: 101 resource

  • 🗓️ Personalize this Action Plan (coming soon)

Looking for more guidance? Just want a facilitated, festive kickoff party to lock in your fall plans? ✨ RSVP to the September Surge event! An epic lineup of speakers will talk strategy, then we’ll all make a personalized, powerful action plan.

This is how we win big on climate:

  • Elect Kamala Harris

    Let’s get this done, team.
    Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz are the climate ticket! Both are proven climate champions with a track record of ambitious climate policies.

  • Elect Climate Champions to the House & Senate

    Electing pro-environment majorities in Congress is key to protecting and pushing meaningful climate progress. Policy starts at the polls!

  • Win state & local elections

    It’s essential to have climate leaders at every level of government. State and local officials have significant authority and are responsible for on-the-ground climate policy implementation.

  • Do more than vote

    Now is the time to own our power. Support climate candidates, get voters to the polls, and get your friends in on the action too! We’re focused on key races and have a clear action roadmap.

This site is powered by Climate Changemakers.

The Climate Vote is a HUB for climate volunteerism.

Climate Changemakers is a modern climate advocacy network built for busy productive professionals. Learn more about us.