Host a party: writing to voters!

Host a Letter Writing or Postcarding Party

Have your friends over to Get Out The Vote! Most people just need a nudge and a little enthusiasm to dive in.

  • You’ll write to voters in a public database about the importance of voting in this election. We share important logistical information about when and how to vote, and the

  • It’s a tried and true method of increasing voter turnout. Even when you don’t end up converting a fence-sitter to a voter, you are collecting valuable data that campaigns and grassroots orgs can use to target more effectively as it gets closer to the election. The sheer volume of voters who need to be contacted, ideally multiple times, means every hour spent is impactful.

Step 1: Work out the basic details

Place: You can write letters and postcards just about anywhere! All you really need is enough space for everyone to sit down. Venues can be loud or quiet, public or private, indoor or outdoor (barring rain). The supplies all fit in a backpack, so you can transport them easily. Compelling options: your house, your backyard, a public park, a local bar or coffee shop, a coworking space, the library, etc. 

Date & Time: Pick a date at least a week out. From there, think about your people! Young professionals? Try a weeknight happy hour. Busy parents? Weekends are looking pretty good. Consider hosting your party on the same day as a big political debate, sports event, or when your favorite reality TV show comes out each week!

Letter Writing vs Postcarding? Both are effective at boosting voter turnout! Just pick the format that seems simplest for you. Here are the costs, time, required materials, and experiences for each.

Step 2:  Adopt your voters!

For each ‘Action Party,’ submit this form to share your plans and automatically receive an email with links to adopt voters.

(PS. There are also real people on the other side of this form and that incoming email who are cheerleading and available for support anytime along the way! Just reply directly to the email if you have any questions anytime).

Step 3: Invite your people!

Now comes the fun part: Make your guest list, send the invite (example below!), then watch the RSVPs roll in.   

  • Click here for graphics! 

    Subject: 2024 Elections Party on [September 15th]

    Hi friends!

    Please join me to Get Out The Vote (GOTV) for pro-climate candidates around the country! Our efforts can be the difference between a win and a loss, between building momentum to fight climate change versus “drill baby drill.”  I’m hosting my first event at [my house] on [September 15, 2024] at [6pm ET].

    I promise there is no prep work and no homework.  Just show up.  I provide the supplies and some structure. You provide a lot of good energy

    Please RSVP by [September 8, 2024] so I know how much to prepare.

    Thank you!


    • Send reminders. As for any party, confirmation is key! Add it to your calendar now to follow up at least twice before the event, both with the entire group and 1:1 if you haven’t heard from someone. Many event platforms help you automate this! 

    • Tap a co-host: They can help you promote and facilitate, especially for a larger group.

    • Track RSVPs: Here’s a sample event page on & graphics to get you started! Use whatever platform works for you:, Facebook, Google Calendar, Partiful, Paperless Post

  • Use your best judgement, but whether you're on an event service (like that sends auto-reminders or you're simply sending out text reminnders yourself, generally, a good cadence is something like:

    • Day 0: if you sent a big group message, consider pinging a few folks 1:1 immediately for early RSVPs; get any co-hosts on board early.

    • In 2-3 days, send a friendly note to confirm they saw the invite and enthuse that “this election season is ON” and you’d love to see them at the party. Perhaps give an update on plans or share a recent candidate story/meme.

    • One weekbefore

    • One daybefore to confirm any details like time, parking, and refreshments. This is the chance for a final burst of enthusiasm to minimize last-minute cancellations (we’ve all done it!)

    • Day of the event friendly reminder if guests need to bring anything, like a laptop or markers.

Step 4: Prepare for your party

Woohoo! This party is HAPPENING! Personalize this Pre-Event Checklist and Run of Show Template using the details you received via email. It is your prep guide and agenda for event day, so you remember to say all the important details to your guests!

Note: There are some prep tasks - like acquiring stamps - that require advance planning. Get organized early!

Letter Writing | Postcarding

And of course, don’t forget the fun stuff:

  • Themed decorations or refreshments are a super fun addition – a Save Democracy Spritz, anyone? Pizza and postcarding? Have fun with it!

  • Pick a movie – or maybe a political debate 👀

  • If you’re hosting at a local bar, drop in and ask the bartender if you could get 5-10% off your tab, for democracy! 

  • Or just skip all that and feel proud that you got this event on the calendar and people might actually show up. 😅

*after the show it’s the after-party* Report back with photos!

PPlease let us know how your event went. We love amplifying success stories to inspire more action from fellow changemakers across the country. Plus, your report will help us make note of our collective impact.

📸 We especially appreciate photos! When you send photos, let us know if you’re comfortable with us sharing them on social media. Four ways to share recaps and photos:

  • Slack channel #wins-shoutouts, #pics-or-it-didn’t-happen and #action-letter-writingyou might inspire others to host their own parties (not in Slack? Join here!)

  • Slack private DM to a staff member (will have Staff in their display name)

  • Email to

  • Social media tag @theclimatevote

And that’s it, playbook complete! Feel accomplished.
Thank you for taking action.

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