Donate to Support Climate
Candidates & Organizations

  • Climate Changemakers does not make endorsements, but we focus on climate candidates in highly competitive races, and we love our Venn diagrams. In all cases, we identify candidates who are in highly competitive races per the Cook Political Report and endorsed by LCV Action Fund and NRDC Action Fund (the criteria for inclusion on the GiveGreen platform).

    You know the Presidential race is going to be close, that's a no-brainer.

    For reassurance that the Senate candidates in our slate are all in highly competitive races, check in on the latest Senate race ratings from the Cook Political Report. Note that the "All Toss-Up Senate" slate represents the Venn diagram overlap between candidates in Toss-Up and Lean Senate races (per Cook Political Report) who are also on the GiveGreen platform (a climate candidate).

    For reassurance that the House candidates in our slate are all in highly competitive races, check in on the latest House race ratings from the Cook Political Report. Note that the "All Toss-Up House" slate represents the Venn diagram overlap between candidates in Toss-Up House races (per Cook Political Report) who are also on the GiveGreen platform (a climate candidate).

    Our Priority House & Senate slate represents the Venn diagram overlap between candidates who are 1) in Toss-Up races 2) also on the GiveGreen platform (a climate candidate) and 3) in a nested race such that at least two Toss-Up races overlap across the Electoral College, Senate, and House. 

    How about the down-ballot races? Our key down-ballot races link passes through to Climate Cabinet, specifically their 6 "Top Priority" races nationwide: the top climate champions with an opportunity to have an outsized influence over future climate policy.

    And the grassroots organizations?
    Our grassroots organizations link passes through to Movement Voter Project PAC. They thoroughly and strategically vet grassroots organizations for effectiveness.

  • Candidates need funds to effectively spread their message to voters, while local grassroots groups do critical get-out-the-vote work that builds long-lasting infrastructure to outlive any one election cycle.

  • GiveGreen is the largest fundraising platform for climate action in the U.S. They identify races up and down the ballot where contributions can have the greatest impact. Contributions go directly to the candidates, and the GiveGreen portal “stamps” the funds as a climate donation, sending a strong message that the public is invested in climate leadership and climate action needs to be a top priority.  

  • We recommend supporting the Voter Participation Center

  • You can make a contribution to support Climate Changemakers here, and we are so grateful for your support. Every dollar funds our small but mighty operation, which equips a growing, nationwide network of climate advocates like yourself to make an outsized difference. Consider joining our Power Circle of sustaining donors!

1. Choose a funding priority

You can donate to candidates, grassroots voter mobilization organizations, or both. Want to give to one priority and be done? Got it. Just choose any one of the links above. All of these are key priorities that represent a strategic investment!

2. Consider your budget and make a donation, now!

They say, “Early money is like yeast,” and it’s true: earlier donations go further to set candidates and organizations up for success. If you expect to make donations this election cycle, it pays to give now rather than add it to a to-do list for later.

3. Nudge a friend to give, too!

You’ve just stepped up to make an important investment in the future of climate action and our democracy. Maybe you can convince a friend to do it too, and double your impact? We have a playbook for that: check out our fundraising Action Playbook. Go, go, go!

And that’s it, playbook complete! Feel accomplished.
Thank you for taking action.

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© 2023 Climate Changemakers