Reducing U.S. Food Waste

Advocacy Action Plan

America throws away 40% of our food, and that’s a problem for the planet.
With smart policy, states can help divert food away from landfills.

Learn more: Issue Briefing | Blog Post

Featured Actions

This 5-Step Action Plan is a timely, strategic, and productive framework to focus your climate advocacy.

Each Action Playbook is designed to be achievable in under an hour. Start with Action #1 and move through the rest at your own pace. You can take solo action any time or join a festive, facilitated Hour of Action (Zoom or in person) to work alongside fellow climate-concerned people.

The Action Plan will be posted through mid-July. How many can you accomplish before then?

Completed the Featured Actions above? Awesome! 👊
They’re five of the most effective ways to advance climate policy.

Next, consider multiplying your impact by telling a friend.
Answering the question what can I do? for others is an important climate action. So spread the word about this campaign with a social media or Slack post, a group text, an email to your listserv. Looking for tips and tools for more effective climate conversations? We got you. 🥕

Or click here to explore the full Action Hub.

© 2024 Climate Changemakers