Join a weekly Hour of Action
Make climate action a habit, and make it more fun with great company.
Tell lawmakers about this climate solution.
This week’s action plan:
Use this playbook to contact all of your state legislators about passing policy that would require new buildings to be all-electric. If you contacted all of your state legislators last week, use this playbook to ask your mayor and city councilor to publicly support this policy.
You can take action with fellow changemakers by joining an Hour of Action, or use our free online resources anytime on your own.
In advocacy, repetition is the key to success.
Which is why this year, we’re experimenting with Climate Advocacy Streaks! Here’s how they work.
Advocate for all-electric buildings! ⚡
Current focus:
Tell lawmakers about this climate solution.
Influence a few key influencers.
Connect with state lawmakers.
Rest is essential to sustained, effective climate advocacy. Take one week for rest and spread the word – then get ready for a new streak next week!
Why advocate for all-electric buildings? A flurry of rumors about the federal government banning gas stoves has brought this topic to the forefront of decarbonization discourse. While there are no plans to ban gas stoves nationwide, dozens of cities have already passed policies requiring new buildings to be fossil-fuel-free because building electrification has tons of benefits. We want to flip the gas ban conversation to discuss the benefits of fully electric buildings and encourage similar building electrification laws at the state level.
Always a conversation happening in Slack! Swing by here.
Join a weekly Hour of Action
Make climate action a habit, and make it more fun with great company.
Advocate for all-electric buildings! ⚡
Our community’s February focus:
Why advocate for all-electric buildings? A flurry of rumors about the federal government banning gas stoves has brought this topic to the forefront of decarbonization discourse. While there are no plans to ban gas stoves nationwide, dozens of cities have already passed policies requiring new buildings to be fossil-fuel-free because building electrification has tons of benefits. We want to flip the gas ban conversation to discuss the benefits of fully electric buildings and encourage similar building electrification laws at the state level.
Always a conversation happening in Slack! Swing by here.
Use this playbook to contact all of your state legislators about passing policy that would require new buildings to be fully electric. If you contacted all of your state legislators last week, use this playbook to ask your mayor and city councilor to publicly support your policy.
Take action in community by joining an Hour of Action or take action anytime on your own.
Details coming soon! We’re strategically taking actions that build on each other week over week, leveling up advocacy tactics each time.
Details coming soon! We’re strategically taking actions that build on each other week over week, leveling up advocacy tactics each time.
Rest is essential to sustained, effective climate advocacy.
Take this week to rest and get ready to do it again!
Or start a 3-week advocacy streak! Join an Hour of Action team here.
Drop-in to tell lawmakers about this climate solution.
Full Library of Policy Action Playbooks
These step-by-step guides equip you to productively, effectively advocate for no-brainer, science-backed climate policy.
Each week, we feature a strategic action paired with a timely, high-leverage policy priority. There’s nothing like carving out the time to use these playbooks alongside other changemakers on an Hour of Action. These facilitated Zoom sessions are a dedicated time and space to follow a playbook at your own pace, with Q&A and community conversation in the chat.
Playbooks: Contact a policymaker directly.
Step-by-step playbooks you can use anytime to advocate for climate policies.
Playbooks: Influence key stakeholders.
Step-by-step playbooks you can use anytime to advocate for climate policies.
Playbooks: Engage your own network.
Step-by-step playbooks you can use anytime to advocate for climate policies.
Brush up on advocacy fundamentals.
We all need to go back to the basics sometimes. You can also skim the FAQ here.
Issue Briefings: Climate Policies Explained